QR menu for restaurants, cafes, bars, catalogs etc. • Bonee
QR menu easy Updates
Update Information in restaurant menu,cafe menu instantly. Change price, add products to menu and also automatically remove sold-out products from cataloge.
Customization and branding
Select the theme template and change the colors of Catalog to match your restaurant menu, cafe menu, shops branding. Create your customized menu with just one click.
Multi Language support
Language will no longer be a barrier for your restaurant menu, cafe menu, shopscustomers. Our product supports 10+ languages.
Cost and time saving
You don't need to pay a lot of money for the design and printing of an updated menu for your restaurants, cafes, shops. You can update the digital menu with just one click.
Hear Your Customer
Use our simple feedback system to hear customer requests and observations about your restaurants, cafes, shops. Analyze customer feedback and improve customer satisfaction.
Anytime and Anywhere
Customers can find your restaurant menu,cafe menu on any device at any time. Your digital menu will be easily reachable and attract new visitors.
About white label partnership
We specialize in white label partnerships that empower businesses to expand their offerings and reach new heights of success. Our white label solutions enable you to leverage our expertise and resources to offer high-quality products and services under your own brand name.
Why Choose
a White Label Partnership with Us?
  • Seamless Integration
    Our white label partnership seamlessly integrates with your brand identity, allowing you to maintain consistency across all your offerings.
  • Scalable Solutions
    Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, our scalable solutions can grow with your business needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.
  • time and Cost Savings
    By leveraging our ready-made products and services, you can save valuable time and resources on development and implementation, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.
  • Customization Options
    Tailor our products and services to meet the unique needs and preferences of your target audience, ensuring maximum satisfaction and engagement.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
    We provide comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction at all times.
Our White Label Partnership Process
Discovery and Alignment Session
Our partnership commences with an insightful consultation to understand your business objectives and brand identity. This session allows us to align our solutions with your vision, ensuring a tailored approach that fits seamlessly with your goals.
Customization and Strategic Planning
Following the consultation, our expert team meticulously customizes our offerings to match your brand identity and requirements. Together, we develop a strategic plan to leverage our white label solutions for mutual growth, outlining clear objectives and milestones.
efficient Integration and Implementation
With customization complete, we move forward with a smooth integration process. Our experienced team ensures seamless implementation, minimizing disruption to your operations while maximizing the benefits of our partnership.
Ongoing Support and Collaborative Growth
Beyond implementation, we provide continuous support and training to empower your team for success. We remain committed to our partnership, fostering collaborative growth through regular communication, feedback, and innovation.